The Association
The Export-Union for dairy products is the association of the German export dairies and traders of milk and milk products, based in Berlin. The association has around 80 member- companies from Germany and neighbouring European countries. More than 90 percent of German dairy exports is performed by members of the Export-Union.
The Export-Union for dairy products is not a manufacturer nor a trader of dairy products itself but the association of exporters of milk and dairy products. -
The Export-Union for dairy products supports its members in any questions about veterinary matters, registration procedures for third country exports and customs matters.
For the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the association is the central contact and multiplier in regarding exporters of milk and dairy products. - If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. For export inquiries of dairy products from Germany, please use our inquiry form so that we can pass on your request to our members with a database system as quickly as possible.